Together we can save lives 100% of funds go to save lives

Rescue an orphan, sponsor a child, save a life from poverty, sexual exploitation & trafficking, abuse & slavery!
Rescue an orphan, sponsor a child, save a life from poverty, sexual exploitation & trafficking, abuse & slavery!
Hi, my name is Paul Furlong..
I have been travelling alone most months now for over 12 years .I am not a big organization but work alone, and with your help I travel into many third world countries to bring some love, good news & food, drill for fresh water, & care for widows, rescue orphans, feed poor villages, rescue those children at risk sold into sex trade/slaves, free slaves in work industries & also conduct remote, free concerts to bring some joy & love into peoples lives (I'm a singer song writer)...... Unlike many charity organizations with big overheads, all the funds i receive go directly to this cause & reach ground zero, making a difference in 1000's of lives.... THESE ORPHANS, SLAVES, POOR FAMILIES, VULNERABLE & ABUSED, PRECIOUS LIVES, NEED YOUR HELP TODAY!
I DONOT join a charity & project already commenced BUT ONLY pioneer from the start knowing then that all is real & legitimate. Many are FAKE and/or operate as to simply rob you of your $$ and pocket themselves. This is a constant REAL problem in many countries.
Freeing women from sex trafficking & bondage training in sewing & setting up in their own micro business!
Giving goats to poorest families
Feeding the poor
I have chief police working with me to raid homes where they hold kidnapped women, girls & children captive daily and sell them for sex at night (BURMA)....I can set them free if I have more support & men or women to stand with me to help me fund & setup a rescue centre in a secret location where the girls will be safe (safehouse) also a place of healing body soul spirit. Do You Care ?...Will You help? I'm ready to take action Now ..ARE YOU.
South Sudan/Kenya Border
Urgent help needed NOW!!! I have rescued 20 orphans I found begging for food, homeless in rags in this arid dry wilderness deserted, abandoned & some abused. Ther are another 30+ in this area needing our help. $25 monthly support 1-2 children & helps keep the rescue centre running in basic care, bedding, clothes & food.
Rescue the children from sex trade/slave industry!! Refuge & Safe house set up border Nepal/India to Save/Rescue the Children From being
sold into sex salvery trade!! Also young women in prostitution are freed & given a home & a place to restart their lives!
You can save 1-2 children for as litte as only $25 per month. This helps keep the whole rescue centre running.
Sponsor a child today
The slums in Nairobi Kenya Africa..
Here are 47 kids that are staving & desperate for love & more funds are raised we can help 100's in a feeding program daily!
Sponsor 1-2 orpahn & poor children today for Only $25 monthly
We have also set up a school giving FREE education to the poor children in the slums & tuition . A daily feeding program gives x2 good meals of nutritional value. We clothes & feed young babies/children in a day care program for single &/or abused mothers.
Many families are held bound in slavery in the brick factories (Open air field making bricks from mud) Whoel families 4-7 members usually labour 10+12 hrs daily to earn $3-$5 per day (The whole familiy together..NOT each!!) They are traded & sold between brick factory businesses as slaves, often beaton, abused, raped & sometimes murdered. We can set the whole family FREE & start a micro business for Only $100. Also set up a sewing centre to train one member in their own sewing business.
D.R Congo Africa Orphans House now desperate for food to feed our 100+ Orphans!!! We just took 5 more
Sponsor 1-2 children today for Only $25 Many are war orphans & as a result of harsh living, abuse & sickness many orphans are living abandoned, abused & begging homless on the streets.
Please open your herat & rescue a child through your compassion in sponsorship today
Many orphans abandoned & homeless & abused were rescued in two orphanges I established here in Uganda. The need is HUGE to rescue more. Child sacrifice & much abuse is a big concern. Chickens & goats have enabled these centres to become self sufficient. I need to set up more orphans homes & can do for $350 monthly for approx 20 children.